CanDoDoesGood atKnow how to
A. Can you play the piano?
B. Yes, but not very well.
A. How about the guitar?
B. I can play the guitar really well!
A. Does Alley speak Chinese?
B. No, she doesn’t.
A. Do you sing?
B. I love to sing! I go to karaoke every weekend!
A. Is Tony good at dancing?
B. He’s pretty good.
A. What kind of dancing does he do?
B. He does hip-hop dance.
A. Do you know how to use Excel?
B. No, sorry I don’t use MS Office.
A. Can you drive a car?
B. I have a license, but I don’t have a car.
A. So, you can drive right?
B. Well, it’s been a while but I think I still can.
A. _______ you play a musical instrument?
B. Yes, I play the piano.
A. How well do you _______?
B. So-so
A. Can you ski?
B. No, but I _______ snowboard.
A. How about other winter sports?
B. I love to _______ ice hockey.
A. _______ Mark drink coffee?
B. No, he only drinks tea.
A. Is Momoka _______ at ballet?
B. She is very good.
A. _______ Mike _______ how to use a computer?
B. Not really. He is learning now.
A. _______ you cook?
B. Yes. I love cooking.
A. What do you _______ how to cook?
B. I can cook Italian food.
A. What kind of Italian food are you _______ at making?
B. I know how to make many different kinds of pasta.
A. Wow! Sounds good!
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